Two years ago I went to the Butchart Gardens. The Butchart Gardens are different themed gardens that you walk through. It's one of those must do's if you visit Victoria BC. On Thursday night I went with my Mum's friend Barb, her husband Russ and her mother's home hellers Kimiko and Karl to see Christmas themed gardens. The sunken garden was amazing. All the trees, paths, had Christmas lights going through it. The Star Garden had lights all around it. It was quite amusing to go to the Rose Garden to see them all pruned back but with the lights all around made the garden come alive. The waterfall feature kept changing colour. It was really atmospheric. Throughout the gardens the theme was the twelve days of Christmas. I took plenty of photos. The things were big enough and there were signs along the way which made the journey through even more spectacular. It was very cold when we went, it was going to be a hard frost that night. We had to dress very warm and I have to say that the hot chocolate at the end was very nice and well deserved.
They sound lovely Joy. Canadians sure seem to go all out over Xmas.What/where are the statues you posted pics of earlier? quite amazing.
It's been beautiful here today - very sunny and hot but with a breeze that keeps things pleasant.
Renee, Si and Em are coming to stay for a couple of nights. Si's dad died on Xmas day and he has to fly back to England for the funeral on Wednesday. Renee has to start work so I will take him out to the airport.
You must be on the move again soon. have fun and keep safe.
Hi Jay,
Thanks so much for your comments. I'm sorry to read about Si's Dad. The Canadians sure know how to celebrate Christmas, I am simply loving it. The weather maybe a little cooler but the festive spirit is lively. The photo of the statue of the laughing man was taken on my city and sites tour in Vancouver just near the harbour. The statue portrays laughter and there were a whole of these statues in a circle showing different positions of laughter, clowning around etc. The statue is temporary and was made by a Chinese artist. The other statue of the three people and the photographer was taken at Queen Elizabeth Park in Vancouver. This was also taken on my city and sights tour. On Monday I will be taking the ferry back to Vancouver. On Tuesday I will be flying to Orlando Florida USA, stopping over in Dallas Texas to change over planes. It's about a 7 hour flight. Long day hopefully it will all go smoothly entering into the USA. Tomorrow I am hoping to do a harbour cruise of Victoria. I'm glad Auckland is having some lovely sunny weather.
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